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While auctions can be fun, exciting and entertaining for the buyer, they can also be an emotional and  sad reality for the seller. An auction is usually a sign of a life changing event such as downsizing, moving out of state, moving into a nursing facility, a divorce or an estate. No matter the circumstances or where you are in life we are here to help guide you seamlessly through the process.

The auction method of selling has proven itself to be one of the best and most popular ways to sell your items in a fast paced, high energy and transparent environment.​


  • Receive payment within 14 days

  • No out of pocket or up front expenses



​I am a 2015 graduate of the Ohio Auction School and licensed by the state of Ohio Department of Agriculture. I have been in the auction industry for over 13 years working with several local auctioneers as a contractor. I am an affiliate of Auction Ohio. I am a proud member of the Fellowship of Christian Auctioneers International.

Currently serving Central Ohio & beyond. Always accepting quality consignments!

I am available for hire as a contract auctioneer and any auction staff positions. 

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